The Moving Snowman

Once upon a time there was a guy named Jimmy he had 0 friends but since it was winter time and he was excited because it was the time of the year he could create friends! Jimmy went outside and saw mountains and hills with snow, he couldn’t wait! Jimmy started to make a snowman his favourite thing ever! Jimmy started to build a snowman so he could finally have a “friend” again after since last winter. Jimmy was so excited and he made it in about 10 minutes but when jimmy finished he noticed something strange about the snowman, he swore it facing north but now it was facing east and footsteps were on the ground. “Weird..”, Jimmy muttered to himself.

Jimmy had went inside for a hot chocolate because he was starting to get super cold. his mother wrapped him in a blanket as he told her about what happened, Jimmy’s mother just brushed it off, “I’m sure it’s just your imagination, that is NOT possible.” Jimmy went on to his iPad and started watching cringe “ghost hunting” videos, these always made him get excited and he was on the edge of his seat while watching them, too bad he didn’t understand clickbait. Time went by so fast he didn’t even realize an hour had passed. “SUPPER TIME!” , Jimmy’s mother shouted. Jimmy started down the stairs and sat down at the dinner table. this time his siblings were there and he told them about the snowman. they said, “maybe it’s your imagination again, you do watch lots of ghost videos.” His siblings agreed, “Yeah!”

Jimmy had woken up and went to check out his snowman, as he got ready and went outside he was surprised to see the snowman had written a message in the snow. Jimmy’s father still wasn’t home he was started to get worried. The snowman was standing still but it’s smile looked a little bit more pointy. Jimmy took a picture of it and read the message, it said, “Hello Jimmy,” the snowman turned its head and looked at Jimmy, “You have no friends so why don’t we be friends, what do you say..” The snowman did a freaky wink at Jimmy. While Jimmy’s brother was secretly recording what was happening. Jimmy had to accept the snowman’s offer and within seconds they were prancing around the yard. Jimmy had lots of fun until when he let his guard down, the snowman acted strange and instead of fun Jimmy found himself running to find the shovel. Jimmy couldn’t find the shovel. A second later he tripped and there was his hat on the ground and the snowman had wrote under the hat, “Jimmy is now mine and he will become a snowman soon… -Father” TO BE CONTINUED

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