
Spinosaurus the largest theropod carnivore to walk the earth. It used to be believed that the spinosaurus was a fully aquatic. I am here to debunk that theory.

After a while of the spinosaurus was discovered as probably not fully aquatic is was considered semi aquatic. The spinosaurus had dense bones which made scientists made them think it was aquatic, but duh to recent studies we have found it most likely would have been a shoreline ambush predator and semi aquatic. This is believed because we have found out that it was actually too buoyant to stay submerged. Supporting this theory is that we have also found out that it’s center of gravity was farther back therefore supporting its back legs so it wouldn’t crawl on all fours.

Knowing that it also walks on two legs it would be hard to swim. since it walks on two legs it would be very awkward to swim. To support this we have learned that when swimming the spinosaurus would have been slow because its legs would have just dangled and done nothing to help support it in water. Knowing this would also support how poor at swimming it would be, like imagine your classed as aquatic and you move insanely slow in the water.

Plastic tail experiment demonstrating how Spinosaurus may have moved through the water. Additional evidence also supports the view that Spinosaurus was aquatic. These new fossils were found in freshwater and with other animals, including coelacanths, large fish that have existed since the days of dinosaurs.

I hope you learned something about a new about this creature. There is also a speculation of what it looks like and this is what it truely looks like CLICK ME! The click me is more additional information about the spinosaurus.

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